Saturday, August 29, 2020

Herd Immunity or Incredulity: Raising the Herd Intellect

 If you have been reading my posts lately, you know I have been expressing amazement that our situation regarding COVID 19 has so quickly reached the point of mass hysteria. I won’t repeat all the statistics here. You can read the details in the previous articles which I linked at the end of this post. I will summarize. Although I am certain the number is inflated due to political and financial reasons I explained in earlier posts, I will use the number currently being published (200,000) as deaths from COVID 19 in this one calculation. This number means 1 death from COVID 19 for every 1,650 people given 330M population for the United States.

Even that number is not a good representation of what is happening to the general population because as of the latest statistics I have, 75% of all COVID 19 deaths are among the elderly in nursing or assisted living homes. 94% of those people had other health issues which would have caused their demise in a relatively short time. This means that the mortality rate for COVID 19 among otherwise healthy individuals is so small as to be almost insignificant. Yet we have trashed the economy, wrecked the education system and thrown the general population into a panic.

As bad as all that is, there is something else that no one is talking about. We hear daily about the tens of thousands of new COVID 19 cases being reported. What we are not hearing is that the vast majority of those reported infections are without symptoms or with very slight flu-like conditions. Here’s the story no one is telling: those tens of thousands who get infected every day without serious complications will develop natural antibodies that make them immune to the virus. This is known as herd immunity. Our current policies dealing with COVID 19 are actually thwarting the advance of herd immunity and prolonging the suffering.

As I have said before, I don’t mean to sound crass or unsympathetic. I mourn with those who mourn the deaths of their elderly parents or grandparents. I am sympathetic toward those who have lost loved ones in any generation. It may sound like an oxymoron, but death is an inevitable part of life. Ever since we were kicked out of the Garden of Eden, people have been dying from disease. That’s part of the curse we bear because of sin; not personal sin, but corporate sin resulting from our being human beings in the line of Adam.

I believe we would be better off if we dropped all the COVID 19 restrictions except those that apply to any flu season: be sensible, wash your hands, cough into your sleeve, etc. If we open back up for business (and school) as usual, herd immunity would eventually render COVID 19 as harmless as SARS or Swine Flu or H1N1 bubonic plague. I cannot do that myself; neither can you alone. However, if herd rationality were to catch on, herd immunity would save the day. Will you spread this message?

Related articles: “Join the Lemmings, Anyone?” “The Angel Says… Fear Not” “The Emperor Has No Clothes” “The Winnowing Fork of God” “2020 COVID Easter” “Finding God in COVID 19

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