Friday, December 31, 2021

Eulogy for Wayne Pribbernow

A good friend is hard to find. And painful to lose. I lost one recently. I have had no better friend than Wayne Pribbernow. Over the thirty plus years that I knew him, Wayne proved to be everything one could ask for in a friend. In my estimation, he modeled what a Christian man should be. He loved God’s Word and took every opportunity he could to share it with others. I remember how excited he was to meet with his “lady friends,” as he called them, a group of senior citizens who gathered weekly to hear Wayne teach from the Bible. He was instrumental in keeping the little church near his cottage going, preaching and teaching there when needed as well as volunteering for whatever jobs wanted doing. Wayne also served honorably in many other churches throughout his life.

Speaking of the cottage, that too demonstrated Wayne’s big heart and generous spirit. He told me when he and Sharon first bought it that it was going to be made available to anyone who wanted a chance to get away into the woods. From what I could tell, they made good on that pledge. I was a frequent visitor to the cabin on the lake during deer season especially, but I also retreated there at other times. It became a favorite get-away for my grandson and I as it did for many others. I can still see Wayne sitting at the dining table sipping a cup of coffee with his Bible open before sunup or late in the evening. We had many hours of coffee and conversation over the meaning God’s Word and our responsibilities to live it fully.

I saw another side of Wayne’s commitment to his friends when a mutual friend went through some very difficult times. Wayne lived near the friend, and on more than one occasion he ran to his house, even in the middle of the night sometimes, to sit with him and help him deal with his troubles.

 His helping spirit was also evident in the ministry that he and Sharon offered to families that were working through the trials of blending stepchildren and second spouses into working Christian units. The two girls he and Sharon raised also proved the value of his Christian parenting philosophy. Wayne wasn’t proud of everything from his past, but the remorse he felt at his failures and the joy he found when reconciliation was possible attest to his honest repentance. If children (and grandchildren) are a testimony to their parents, Wayne had plenty to be grateful for in that way.

Wayne truly displayed his unwavering faith in God when talking about his health. He would say, not entirely joking, that he had died several times, but God wouldn’t take him home because there was still work to do here on earth. No matter what he went through including heart problems, cancer and all the things that go with normal aging, Wayne remained true to his belief that God was in control no matter what the circumstances might look like.

I will never forget Wayne and everything he meant to me. It is obvious from the number of comments on Facebook at Wayne’s passing that I am not the only one who appreciated Wayne Pribbernow. Maybe the best compliment I can offer is to say that I would be a better person if I could be more like Wayne. I am so looking forward to that new earth we all have coming so I can get back around that dining table in the cabin and continue our conversations. Keep the pot on, Brother.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't see this! I'm so glad you pointed it out to me. What a wonderful eulogy. It's a keeper. Thank you so much.
