Wednesday, July 14, 2021

My Body; My Choice

It seems ironic that many of the same people who say, “My body; my choice,” when speaking of murdering their unborn child are now insisting that people should be forced to get the COVID vaccine. If a woman has the right to choose what happens in her womb, everyone should have the right to decide what goes into their arm. While these two positions have similarities, the differences are not insignificant. Choosing an abortion assures the loss of human life; choosing not to be vaccinated presents the very slight possibility that someone may become seriously ill and an even more slight possibility that someone may die. I agree that our love for “neighbor” demands that we do what we can to avoid causing harm, but there must be a point at which our freedom in Christ allows us to live without dreading the consequences of every act.

There are several reasons a person may not want to get a COVID vaccination. All the vaccines were rushed to the public without proper FDA testing. That fact alone is enough to justify a person’s reluctance to submit to vaccination. Despite the repeated assurances that the vaccines are safe, no one has enough information to make that claim. Normal FDA testing for drugs for human use involves three phases of testing lasting six years. The supposed seriousness of the COVID pandemic drove the FCA to forego the normal testing and “approve” the vaccines in mere months. Because of this, we don’t know everything we should know about human reactions to the corona vaccines. In essence, people taking the vaccines are in a large trial group to test the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines.

If a person chooses to ignore the potential of long-term effects of the vaccines, the short-term side-effects may cause some concern. "According to the FDA’s vaccine fact sheet, ‘Trusted Source’, possible side effects [of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine] include: headache, fever, fatigue, muscle aches, nausea, difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, swelling of the face and throat, dizziness, rash, and rarely, blood clots." These "side effects" sound suspiciously similar to the symptoms of COVID. In other words, the vaccine itself is making some people sick. Given that up to 80% of COVID positive individuals (in some studies) have little or no noticeable symptoms, it is evident that the risk of complications is increased by taking the vaccine, at least where J&J is concerned.

The vaccines that use mRNA technology, such as the Moderna vaccine, raise even more concerns over long-term effects. First, these “vaccines” do not actually meet the accepted scientific and legal definitions of a vaccine. Early in this century, a now well-known Dr. Fauci applied for a patent on mRNA technology as a delivery method for an AIDS vaccine. His patent was denied, and subsequent amendments and further applications revealed that the then untried technology did not qualify as a vaccine by definition. Pharmaceutical companies continued research on mRNA technology, and after the so-called COVID pandemic, they asked for their experiments to be approved for human use. The FDA relented and allowed these highly experimental products to be used as “vaccines.”

 While it is true that mRNA delivery does not enter the nucleus of a cell where the all-important DNA is found, it nonetheless alters the make-up of living human cells. As I understand it, the mRNA method introduces a protein into the cell that will react to the corona virus stimulating an immune-like reaction. The side-effects of this untested technology used as a “vaccine” are similar to true vaccines. Tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, fever, nausea, sore throat, diarrhea, and vomiting have all been noted. While these side effects are usually not long-lasting, we have no idea what the long-term effects of the cell changes will be.

There is another reason to be suspicious of the claims that the vaccines are “safe and effective.” The very foundation upon which the rush to vaccinate an entire population is built has serious deficiencies. First, the COVID 19 virus was called a “novel” virus in 2019 when it was mysteriously released from a Chinese lab, so we are told. The truth is, over seventy patents had been approved since 2010 for procedures and products dealing with what essentially came to be called COVID 19. In a presentation titled, “A Manufactured Illusion,” Dr. David Martin presents irrefutable evidence that elements within the scientific, pharmaceutical and government communities had been seeking to create a situation that would frighten the general population into submitting to a universal vaccination program. The push for this universal treatment began with the influenza scares in the early 2000’s.

Curiously, the people and institutions involved in those early attempts are the same cast of characters who have now convinced a majority of Americans (and others world-wide) that the “novel” corona virus known as COVID 19 is a serious health crisis on the level of a global pandemic. Fact-based reporting by those outside of the cabal inciting panic has been systematically denied or silenced. As I have written previously (see below), based on legitimate research, neither the death rate nor the communicability of COVID 19 warrants the draconian social and medical measures that have been taken. Dr. Martin’s central thesis is that the scenario we now live in was manufactured to sell vaccines and make a few people very rich.

I know what I am saying sounds like “conspiracy theory.” The problem is, as is often said, it’s not paranoia if someone really is out to get you. Similarly, not all “conspiracies” are falsely identified. Since the beginning of the COVID 19 situation, I have been asking (see below), along with many others, why government and commercial entities would be working so hard to create panic while ignoring or discounting factual evidence that opposes their position. It is not hard to understand if you follow the money.

A statement by one of the scientists involved in the pandemic cabal reveals the true motivations behind the scenes. He said that it was the intention of the campaign to create an addiction to vaccines that would lead to sales amounting to billions of dollars. It is true that most people in America can get the vaccine for free, but someone is paying for them. The cost to the pharmaceutical companies is as much as $150-175 per dose. Eventually, it will be our tax dollars that pay that. We are being robbed by Peter to pay Paul in the name of public safety.

It breaks my heart to think that our government and many major commercial entities would brazenly lie to the public while purposely releasing a deadly virus throughout the world. The evidence presented by Dr. Martin makes it hard to believe otherwise. When you see the politicos salivating over the power they have wrested from the people with the pandemic scare, it is easy to see that they to benefit from the panic. Many good people have been swept up in the media wave that brought this to the public. This too was engineered by the people behind the scam.

The truth is hard to find because all the popular sources have been contaminated with the COVID support disease. Google, for example, will return thousands of sites giving COVID information, but all the top responses are from entities that are on the COVID team. I respect those in the medical profession who are recommending vaccines for healthcare workers. I respect my fellow-Christians who want to be vaccinated to protect their “neighbors” as an act of godly love. I wish I could get the same respect for refusing to fall prey to the lies and distortions that have become the popular line.

Related posts: Herd Incredulity “Join the Lemmings, Anyone?” “The Angel Says… Fear Not” “The Emperor Has No Clothes” “The Winnowing Fork of GodFinding God in COVID 19

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