Sunday, October 4, 2009

Neighborhood Reorganization

The other day Michelle said that until now (meaning until the age of Barak, I guess) people like her didn't have access to the White House. This sounds like her statement during the campaign when she said she had never been proud of America until the people recognized her husband's true potential. (That's my explanation of her statement.) She seems to be implying that they are the first to move into the neighborhood.

I am puzzled as to exactly what difference Michelle is seeing. Surely, this ivy league educated woman can't mean that people of color have not had access to the White House. She must know that Secretary of State Rice had both color and access. Ditto General Powell. She can't mean that those who agitate against the system have never had access; consider Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton.

How does Michelle see the age of Barak as something new? I think she means (though she would never say) that no one who hates America has ever listed 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as their residence. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that no one with such complete disregard for the principles upon which America was founded has lived there. I can't see the hearts of Barak and Michelle, so "hate" may not be the right word.

One wonders, though, since Michelle and Barak spent twenty years listening to Pastor Wright, who preached consistently that America was so very wrong. "God damn America," would wake up most pew sitters, no matter how disinterested they had previously been. The Obamas were sincere enough about their faith (or the appearance thereof) to have Pastor Wright baptize their two girls. They were sincere enough about the mission of the church to donate $20,000 in one instance. (Although besides that one large gift, the Obamas are not so generous to charities.)

One wonders about whether "hate" might apply to the Obama heart when one considers the long term association with William Ayres. They worked with Mr. Ayres, socialized with him, held political events with him over a period of many years. Lest we too quickly forgive Bill Ayres for his anti-American past, we must read his recent statements that he has no regret over what he did in his past. Just remember the photo in a recent article showing him standing on the American flag.

A more subtle, but most telling association can be found in Barak's early interest in the radical Sol Olinsky. His book, Rules for Radicals, which young Barak read, seems to be forming the game plan for much of the new President's efforts. I am sure the Olinsky estate appreciates the newfound interest; the book is available on Amazon. Anyone curious about the mindset of someone who preaches social anarchy can read Olinsky and find direct links to the Obama technique.

But maybe Wright and Ayres and Olinsky hate America, and Michelle and Barak don't. Maybe down in their hearts they just want a different America. They want change; they told us that all through the long campaign to gain the White House. Maybe the people (we the people) have never been so disconnected from the founding fathers' vision. Maybe the entitlement mentality has only now infected enough minds for someone like the Obamas to rise to power. Maybe that is why no one like Barak and Michelle has been in the White House until now. Maybe things have changed. Maybe we won't know until 2010 whether the majority of the people are happy with the change.

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