Tuesday, January 4, 2011

That's for the Birds

Did you hear about all the birds falling out of the sky in Arkansas on New Year's Eve? At first report, there was no explanation for thousands of blackbirds dropping dead in mid-flight. Today there are as many theories as there are people willing to guess. Global warming has been blamed: the birds failed to migrate and died as a result. ABC radio news just reported with all seriousness that someone thinks they were "scared to death" by holiday fireworks.

I don't usually go in for wacky conspiracy theories, but like the man said, it's not paranoia if they really are after you. The thing that makes me especially curious is the report that the birds all suffered internal hemorrhaging. The theorist suggested it was caused by physical impact with buildings, trees and the ground as the birds fell dead or that they struck objects while flying blind in the dark. How dumb do they think people are?

There are now similar reports of unusual bird deaths in Kentucky and fish deaths in several places. I don't know (and probably don't want to know) all the secret things our government is doing in the name of national security and defense. I do know that stealth aircraft technology existed for nearly twenty years before any of us regular folks knew about it. I would be disappointed if the military is not working on some new type of weapon, be it electro -magnetic or ultra - low sonic or whatever, that might account for mysterious wildlife deaths. If Area 51 is not real, the concept of secret military testing certainly is. I also know that toxic spills and gaseous releases are coverd up or downplayed as a matter of course.

About now you are wondering how could I possibly tie this to anything heavenly. Buckle your seat belt. Chuck Missler is a Christian teacher, author of Alien Encounters, who used to work for the industrial/ military complex. He's like the guy in the movie who says, "I could tell you that, but I'd have to kill you." He knows from experience that there is more going on out there than meets the eye, so to speak. He posits a fascinating theory that the devil is making use of unexplained phenomena to convince the larger population that secret military or even extra- terrestrial causes are behind all the Bermuda Triangle type events. This, says Missler, sets the stage for the devil to claim the coming rapture of the Church was caused by such as these, thus subverting (or co opting) the true message.

So do I think aliens are responsible for the bird deaths? No. More likely a plume of toxic gas escaped unreported (or covered up) from some chemical facility and drifted into the path of some migrating birds. I'm sure some curious investigative reporter will discover something like that. (I don't know that he will live to tell the story;-) I also think that Satan has always perverted the understanding of real events to his nefarious purposes: think Eve in the Garden or Christ in the desert. I suggest we use all the unexplained phenomena to remind us that this world is temporary and deceptive; true reality, the eternal reality awaits the appointed time. Blessed is the one found faithful at that time.

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