Friday, April 30, 2021

Critical Race Theory

If you don’t know what critical race theory is, please read the article by Christopher F. Rufo reprinted in Imprimus. I am going to summarize it here, but you owe it to yourself to read the whole article and do some research on your own.

The core of critical race theory is the idea that white Americans, particularly white males, are automatically racist because they are white. “White supremacy” which used to be a term applied to neo-Nazis and Klu Klux Klan members has been broadened to include any white person who does not subscribe to critical race theory. The condition of “white privilege” automatically applies to all whites. Systemic racism is charged against the entire structure of government at all levels. Critical race theory teaches that the history of America is one of racial domination, abuse and atrocity. Students are taught to hate America because it is irredeemably racist and therefore it is evil. America is evil. Period.

The terminology used by proponents of critical race theory is deceptive. Diversity is one of their favorite terms. Diversity used to refer to the melting pot nature of American culture; anyone who wanted to assimilate could become a member of the American freedom experiment. Now diversity means bowing to the demands of critical race theory and subscribing to radical affirmative action and reparations. To oppose these policies is to prove racism or anti-diversity.

The second term popular with those who support critical race theory is equity. Many who don’t understand the movement think this is the same as equality; it is not. Equality means every person regardless of race or creed is entitled to the same opportunities granted under law. Equity signals a move to repair the systemic racism that critical race theory says is endemic to the American way. Equality means everyone gets an equal chance at success; equity means everyone except white persons get special privileges to atone for the generations of mistreatment by whites.

A close cousin to critical race theory is the WOKE mentality. It originally meant to be socially aware. People had awoken to the need for racial equality. It has come to mean being aware of social injustice as defined by critical race theory. In other words, if you are in agreement with critical race theory, if you are awake to the radical agenda of BLM, Antifa and any other socialist group that wants the demolition of America as we know it, you are WOKE.

I am going to make a jump that may seem illogical but wait. The controversy over COVID restrictions, especially wearing masks, fits into the same program. If you are against wearing a mask, if you question the efficacy of COVID vaccines, you are branded as being anti-establishment. If you consider the current COVID policies as establishment over-reach, you are a non-WOKE, not critically aware white supremacist. I know it seems a reach to equate COVID policies with racial issues, but this is the matrix we have fallen into. Government is good; if you are against government, you are bad. Help!

When I wrote “Obama isn’t the Problem” in 2012 I had no idea things would get this bad. That article suggested primarily that people who wanted government handouts would overwhelm those of us who think we should earn our benefits. Now we have come to the point where those who believe whatever the government says is true outnumber those of us who believe we should think for ourselves. Science and statistics do not support the government actions against COVID 19. Masks are not effective in spreading the virus or in protecting the wearers. Closing schools is not an effective measure against COVID. Killing businesses is not an effective measure against COVID. Sending COVID patients to assisted living facilities (Cuomo and Wittmer) is not the answer. But the masses of Americans are jumping off the cliff like lemmings despite the evidence to the contrary.

Sadly, if you read the Imprimus article I recommended, you can see how troublesome this situation is. I love America, but I love Jesus more. This is why “Heaven Always Matters Most” (WHAMM). I don’t care what your politics are; we cannot let the government tell us what to do or eventually they will tell us (as they have begun to do) that we cannot worship as we wish. Stand up. Stand for truth. Vote for people who are using reason instead of political rhetoric to back their policies. Unless we do this as Christians, we will lose the voice to say anything at all.


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