Sunday, November 13, 2016

How Could a Christian Vote for Hillary?

After the recent election, a friend asked me if I could help her understand how any Christian could have voted for Hillary Clinton. What were they thinking? She wondered why they aligned with the Hollywood elite. She wondered what's wrong. I suspect there may be some others who are asking the same questions, so I am posting my response.

First let me say honestly that I don't know how anyone who is a committed follower of Christ could have voted for Hillary. But I know some did. The obvious answer to the question of what's wrong is sin; sinful humans don't make perfect decisions. I know that's not very satisfying, so I will suggest some things that may have influenced their behavior.

1. You want to understand what they were thinking. I suggest they did not think. People vote for a variety of reasons, and for some, thinking is not part of the process. 
2. Some Christians think that socialism is a more biblical type of government than our free market capitalism. I disagree heartily. I wrote about this in detail during an earlier election; follow the link if you want more on that.
3. I suspect that some Christians were so disgusted by the media portrayal of Trump that they voted for Hillary in protest. We believers often forget that God can use broken people... good thing since we are all broken.
4. Your comment about the Hollywood elite also hints at a possible reason people voted for Hillary: as a culture, we are way too impressed by what our icons (another word for idols) think and do. If God is not the center of one's life and thought, those replacement icons from sports or entertainment hold great power.
5. To be political about it, it might be that Trump simply did not put enough detail into how he would "make America great again" to convince folks to vote for him. I know that does not explain how a Christian could choose Hillary instead, but it may have played a part.
6. To be sexist about it, some women may have voted for Hillary simply because she is a woman. Wrong reason, but powerful among a certain group of women.
7. Maybe they really like Obama; he is so likable.... Hillary said she would be a third term of Obama's policies. Some Christians would be OK with that.
8. Maybe some are beneficiaries of the programs Hillary supports and fear losing the benefits.
9. If you didn't read my blog, Seeking Signs on Election Night, check it out; that too may give you some peace about our crazy situation.

Having said all that, none of those explanations is nearly enough to outweigh the negatives Hillary carries in my opinion. With the decades of scandals, her status as a pathological liar, the dozens of mysterious deaths of people who crossed the Clintons, the pitiful record as Secretary of State (think Benghazi, Iran, etc.), and if nothing else, her support of infanticide, I cannot imagine that anyone who claims to be Christian could vote for her. 

But some did. They may be just as confused about how any Christian could vote for Trump. This is the beauty and the danger of participatory democracy. One can never be certain that those who vote will see things the same way we do. But I stand by what I have said before: as believers, we have to vote. We won't always have the same feelings as our brothers and sisters about the outcome, but it is our responsibility to learn what we can about the candidates and then vote. After the election, it is our responsibility to get along with our brothers and sisters... even if they voted for Hillary.

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