Friday, July 24, 2020

Why I Won't Support Black Lives Matter

I recently saw a "Friend's" post on Facebook that was supportive of Black Lives Matter (BLM). The article he linked from The Bold Italic is thinly veiled communist rhetoric. I suspect many people don't know the truth about BLM.  The fact that many people would deny the truth is at the root of the problem. Truth no longer matters; some people believe if I am aggrieved, I am justified in making up my own truth. Here is an article that contradicts that idea: “Don’t be Afraid to Think for Yourself.”

Here’s the truth about BLM. The Communist Party USA reprinted a BLM pamphlet on their website. The BLM author, Jarvis Tyner, is executive vice chair of the Communist Party USA and a long-time member of the communist party's national board. In the pamphlet Jarvis writes, “With capitalism came modern American slavery and the government policy of racist oppression and brutality.” The language throughout the pamphlet is communist propaganda, linking the cause of BLM with communist ideology. For more details on BLM's background, read this:

Some people argue that we should ignore the philosophical underpinnings of an organization as long as some portion of their agenda matches ours. We can all agree that we should take every legal means to rid our police of individuals who habitually use force inappropriately. What is not reasonable is the call to abolish the police altogether because of a few bad actors. That is the anarchist mantra on parade. If you doubt that fact, read this article: “Antifa… Exploit Protests…”

I don't believe we need BLM or ANTIFA to lead us. I reject the assumption that BLM has a solution to the problems we face; communism is not the answer. By now, we should all be aware how poorly the communists do with human rights issues. Even though our hearts go out to the victims and families of those harmed by violent acts, we must not let our emotions drag us into solidarity with people whose aims are antithetical to biblical principles.

One might ask if we cannot align with an organization with which we disagree on their terms if they are doing something good. To engage in discussion on someone else's terms is to ignore the false premise on which the other’s structure rests. I will not enter into the false narrative being perpetrated by BLM that all police are evil. I will counter the lies on which it is based. I think it is enough that we simply live in accord with biblical principles, and by doing so we will solve any issue we face in society today one person at a time. Let’s march under this banner: Jesus Proves All Lives Matter: He Died For All.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Let's march under this banner: Jesus Proves All Lives Matter: He Died For All.
