Monday, January 24, 2022

Conspiracy Theory

I have a theory. I mean this in the scientific sense of the word; a true theory is a conclusion drawn from the positive testing of one or more hypotheses. (Not like the “theory” of evolution which has no proven hypothesis.) The theory I am about to propose is bound to be considered “conspiracy theory” by some. So be it. As the old saw puts it: it’s not paranoia if someone really is out to get you. In this case, if I can prove my hypotheses, the theory will be sound.

Because a theory attempts to explain a set of known facts or solve a vexing problem, the first step is to pose the question or identify the problem. The question I am trying to answer is why so many drastic measures have been taken in response to the COVID-19 virus – the so-called pandemic. I admit that the virus has spread quickly throughout the world, so pandemic is not altogether the wrong word. The complete upset of societies everywhere indicates someone is pushing the idea of a deadly pandemic. However, two things mitigate against using this term.

First, Merriam-Webster defines a pandemic as, “occurring over a wide geographic area (such as multiple countries or continents) and typically affecting a significant proportion of the population.” In the case of COVID-19, the wide geographic area is appropriate. The significant proportion of the population is not. As of last week’s numbers, there were just over 3.5 million cases worldwide. As I have said before, that number is certainly inflated by the monetary incentives attached to COVID diagnoses, but let it stand for now. Since world population is over 6 billion, 3.5 million persons supposedly infected represents only 0.58 % of the population or roughly 6 people per 1,000. I don’t see that as “a significant proportion.”

The second fact that mitigates against calling the current virus and its variants a pandemic relates more to the connotation of the word. Typically, a pandemic has deadly results killing a “significant proportion of the population.” Last week’s statistics report that 15 people per 1,000 infected died: 15/1000 or 1.5%. Again, that is doubtless an inflated number – early mortality numbers for COVID before the financial incentives kicked in were far lower – but even so, 1.5% mortality rate is not “a significant proportion of the population.” It means that 1 or2 people out of 10,000 from the total world population died from COVID.

Throughout 2020, I asked why the COVID policies were so drastic. (See Related Posts below.) As I move toward an answer to that question, here is my first hypothesis: we are being lied to. All the popularly published statistics relating to COVID show that the virus is not worthy of the worldwide panic that has ensued and the draconian measures that have been instituted. This is even more true of the omicron variant which has proven to be no more serious than a common cold – another virus that might be considered pandemic by current standards. Since when have we shut down entire societies because of colds? Cough into your elbow; blow your nose; wash your hands and get on with life. I don’t buy the hype.

My second hypothesis is that people are afraid. The way some people are behaving is completely irrational. The only way to explain people’s willingness to allow the government to curtail their freedom and steal their livelihood is fear. Federal, state and local governments are taking unprecedented illegal steps to counter a virus that, with the help of the media, they have made into a monster. When I see a person alone in his car wearing a mask, I know something has made him deathly afraid. It doesn't matter that the typical mask is useless in preventing the transmission of COVID; people wear them in fearful submission. Then too, millions of people rushed to get a vaccine that is neither effective nor safe. They are so fearful of the chimera named COVID that they will risk potentially serious side effects of untested treatments. Finally, millions of small businesses were forced to close never to open again, the owners submitting out of fear of illness or possible government sanctions. Fear reigns.

My third hypothesis is that some people are getting very rich from the fear caused by the government’s pandemic policies. Dr. Anthony Fauci is among today’s highest paid federal employees, his salary surpassing even the President. Bill Gates put millions into vaccine research efforts that will translate into huge profits when people submit to pro-vaccination pressure. Big pharmaceuticals like Pfizer and Moderna are getting billions of dollars from the government for developing and providing “free” vaccines paid for primarily with money that comes from the taxpayers. Moderna’s revenue in nine months of 2021 skyrocketed from $232 million to $11.3 billion year over year. Pfizer’s revenue soared 134% due to vaccine sales.

Meanwhile, the Internet is also generating loads of cash. Jeff Bezos’ behemoth, Amazon, has become the world's largest retailer during the pandemic resulting in a personal net worth of over $161 billion. Facebook profits rose 58% in 2020 reaching $29 billion. Internet giant Google charted record profits in 2020 due to double-digit revenue increases. Forcing people to stay home has turned the Internet into a money tree for those who own the harvest.

Not everyone will agree, but I believe my hypotheses are sound. This gives me confidence to propose the theory that the radical COVID measures are intended to manufacture fear resulting in large sums of money and consolidated power going to the people who are in control. This explains the government's overreach and the intentional creation of mass hysteria. People are being forced to relinquish their freedom and independence, and they are being encouraged to rely increasingly on government programs to allay their fears.

This situation may be laying the groundwork for the global government many Bible scholars believe signals the end of the age. Today’s popular end times preachers believe prophecy predicts a rapture-tribulation-millennium future. A well-known proponent of this interpretation, Dr. David Jeremiah, suggests that what we are seeing now could be a prelude to the rapture, although he insists there will be no warning. Perhaps the stage is being set for someone to become king of the world and instigate great tribulation followed by Jesus’ millennial reign. Or the end may come in one fell swoop the way it was thought to come for most of church history. Today’s conditions suit either interpretation. Because I serve the King of kings, I have no fear of what may come; I know where I will wind up when it’s all over. As I said in “August of 2020,” “The truth is that death is the best thing that can happen to anyone whose life is hidden in Christ. Like Paul said, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.” That’s all that matters.

I was going to stop right there, but then I realized that something else matters more. It’s not enough to know where I’m going; I have to make the effort to show others the way. As believers, we know the perfect love of God, and the Bible says perfect love drives out fear. I think we need to stand up to the fear mongers and say we will not be bullied. I think we should vote the lying politicians out of office. I think we should find ways to disenfranchise monster corporations, especially in the media. I think we need to show our frightened neighbors that it is possible to live without fear. I think we need to start a conspiracy of fearlessness. No theorizing necessary.

Related posts: The Angel Says Fear Not; Herd Immunity or Incredulity;  Join the Lemmings; The Emperor Has No Clothes; Finding God in COVID-19; The Winnowing Fork of God


  1. i agree with the conspiracy of fearlessness! Good writing!

  2. I received confirmation of my theory shortly after posting this. Read about it here:
